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EDC Minutes 09-23-2009

MINUTES                                                                                         SEPTEMBER 23, 2009
MADDEN ROOM                                                                                                TOWN HALL

PRESENT:  Chairperson Jan Murtha, Roseann Williams, Susan Burnham, Joseph Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Louise Neary, Mark Lillis, James Murray and Alternates William Jodice, Joseph Kennedy and Linda Jeski

ABSENT: Marilyn Morrison and Alternate John Mitchell

ALSO PRESENT: EDC Consultant Craig Stevenson

1.      Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Murtha called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
2.      Roll Call: The above-mentioned members were introduced.
3.      Public Participation: None.
4.      Old Business:
CT Studios Update: Mr. Stevenson reported that the State has $25 million worth of bonds for Hartford County, some of which could be applied for to use for this project. Connecticut Economic Resource Center (CERC) has been asked for a study to show the project's worthiness and Mr. Stevenson has received a draft of the study. Mr. Stevenson outlined some of the financial figures involving wages and the cost of the overall project.  The figures provide independent confirmation of their accuracy and not just figures coming from CT Studios.  Commissioner Murray asked if the company would be allowed to sell their tax credits and Mr. Stevenson confirmed that they would and they would amount to about thirty percent of what the company spends. In October, a CERC economist will make a presentation to the town council. Commissioner Neary asked if everything has been signed off yet and Mr. Stevenson said that the purchase agreement for the small land parcel hasn't and the TIF agreement hasn't. CT Studios has not filed a site plan yet so nothing has been signed off relating to that either. Mr. Stevenson stated that they are still looking and ways to fund the TIF. Commissioner Neary asked if the $300,000 in funds being released by the State on Friday is related to the CT Studios project and Mr. Stevenson replied that it's not but that some of the money will help to recover the cost of the relocation of the beetles. Commissioner Williams asked if it would be better to wait until after the November election to make a presentation to the town council and Mr. Stevenson stated that he would like to make the presentation to the current council because they have heard about the project all along. Commissioner Burnham read the resolution to be on the ballot and Mr. Stevenson commented that he doesn't see a need to have a referendum on this item because the town's charter requires a referendum for purchase over $25,000 and it could have been dealt with at a town meeting. Commissioner Futtner asked who decides what is placed on a ballot and Mr. Stevenson replied that he wasn't sure but this could be to cover all the bases. Mr. Stevenson expressed concern if the public rejects the question and Commissioner Burnham stated that it could be rejected if it's not explained properly. Mr. Stevenson was under the impression that this referendum item is a precautionary measure and could have been removed. Mr. Stevenson isn't sure who could explain the question, possibly the developer could do it. Chairperson Murtha also suggested that people for or against the measure could speak about it. Commissioner Lillis asked if there is any information about the debt service over the years and Mr. Stevenson stated that they are basing their figures on a loan interest of 1.5% on $25 million but it depends on what the developer decides to build. Chairperson Murtha commented that the town may be acting cautiously on this transfer of title.
5.      Committee Report:
Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison-Water Pollution Control Authority: Commissioner  Carino reported that South Windsor Stone and Landscaping, 287 Strong Road, came before the Authority and he feels this is a good investment for the town.
6.      Communications and Remarks:
Report from Jan Murtha, Chairperson: Chairperson Murtha asked for a show of hands for those who will be attending the Chamber of Commerce dinner on September 29 and learned nine members will be attending and so she will request they be seated at the same table.
Chairperson Murtha stated that the November 18 meeting is the time for electing a new Chairperson from the Democratic party. Chairperson Murtha has a conflict that evening and requested the meeting be changed to Tuesday, November 17 at 8 p.m. Chairperson Murtha will check to see if the room is available that evening.
Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant: Mr. Stevenson reported that Pacifica Ventures is interested in purchasing a post production facility in town and will also be locating one in New Mexico. Jobs will average $98,000 annually with $30 million in personal property. This may happen before CT Studios opens and Mr. Stevenson has been in talks with the owners of nearby property.
Mr. Stevenson reported that the Legislature and the Governor support all of the suggestions by CT Studios and the town on their tax credit program and Mr. Stevenson has received tremendous support from the state government. Development of the post production tax credit piece is still ongoing.
Mr. Stevenson reported that the transfer of land along I291 should take place within the next thirty days. There will be an official kick off for construction, the placement of a construction trailer and a sign erected announcing the 'Future Home of CT Studios'.
Mr. Stevenson reported that American Tax Financing has backed out of the Hi-G area but that he has contacted Jan Axman an expert on Brownfields redevelopment. Many issues need to be resolved on this site.
Mr. Stevenson reported that the solar farm is still interested and that they are looking at three sites in Ct. There are town properties that could be used for the solar farm.
Mr. Stevenson reported that Mike McGarry of Hartford Publications has obtained enough ads and has developed content to create a publication to focus solely on South Windsor.
Commissioner Neary asked about the videos that had been taken in town and Mr. Stevenson replied that there is a link on the town's website to the updated and corrected videos.
Commissioner Lillis asked why town property is being considered for the solar farm and Mr. Stevenson stated that the developer is looking for sites that don't need a lot of prep work.  Commissioner Lillis stated that many solar projects are placed on top of buildings and that using prime real estate for solar is not the right use.  Commissioner Neary stated that she had a house with solar panels and they were placed on the ground in the front yard.
7. New Business:  Commissioner Burnham reported that the Discover South Windsor committee met yesterday and the photo subcommittee and the marketing subcommittee are working together on a photo contest.  Commissioner Burnham also reported that the marketing subcommittee will be doing a window front at Evergreen Walk.  Commissioner Neary stated that there is a lot of information available on the site such as stores, services and a community calendar.  Commissioner Burnham explained that the calendar is populated by the business members and  highlights events, etc... Chairperson Murtha was surprised at the number of hits the site has received.  Commissioner Neary suggested that A-frame signs could be placed around town advertising the site. Chairperson Murtha encouraged members to add their critiques of restaurants around town to the dining portion of the site.  Commissioner Neary encoraged members to add reviews of merchants to .
8.      General Discussion: Rockville Bank is involving the high school with training opportunities.
9.      Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of 07-22-2009: A motion was made by  Commissioner Burnham and seconded by  Commissioner Futtner to approve the minutes with the following correction: item 4. Old Business, sixth line from the bottom should read '...the project has been...' and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
10.     Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Neary and seconded by Commissioner Futtner to adjourn at 8:27 p.m. and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter

Approved:  October 28, 2009